
Vision - Mission - Values

At CarboTech, we see it as our responsibility to dedicate our daily actions to one goal.


It is a goal that can only be achieved with the help of our employees and partners. This is where guidelines such as shared values, a vision and a mission statement come in. While the values define how we act and interact in everyday business life, the vision describes the goal we aim to achieve together. Importantly, the mission sets out how we intend to deliver it.


Icon Vision


Icon Mission


Icon Werte

Our Vision:We will be the globally recognised full-service provider with the solution that always suits your activated carbon application.

Our mission is clear:

We do not want to be simply a conventional activated carbon manufacturer. Our goal is to position ourselves as a problem solver for your applications.


To this end, we already offer our customers a “360° package” from selection to delivery and disposal of activated carbon.


This makes us one of the leading full-service providers across Germany because we already offer mobile adsorber systems in our portfolio as well as high-quality activated carbons and work with our customers to develop innovative solutions for their specific applications.


In so doing, we always keep one eye on our ecological footprint. But for us that is not enough – in future we also want to be recognised worldwide.

    1. 1. We At CarboTech “we” is an important word. Only as part of a strong team can we pinpoint the optimum solutions together – for our customers, our partners and our employees.
    1. 2. Integrity Honest, trustworthy and dependable: our collaboration with customers and global partners is fundamentally for the long term. Here, we always communicate openly, directly and as transparently as possible. And we always stay true to our word. By so doing, we gain people’s utmost confidence – in our quality products, and also in ourselves as individuals.
    1. 3. Innovation We are not satisfied with the status quo, but continue to research even better products and solutions for our customers because we know that our innovative, sustainable solutions will be key to the future success of our customers – and thus also of CarboTech itself.
    1. 4. Social responsibility

      1. a. Health & safety at work
        1. 1. We take the best possible precautions to mitigate risks to visitors, residents and employees, and to ensure the health and safety of all stakeholders.
      1. b. Job preservation
        1. 1. We do everything we can to preserve jobs in the company.
      1. c. Environmental compliance
        1. 1. We use an environmental management system to comply with environmental regulations. We also reduce environmental impact beyond the level required by legal standards as far as can reasonably be expected of us technically and economically.
      1. d. Compliance 
        1. 1. Our Compliance encompasses all the essential principles and core values to which we are committed in our daily dealings with employees, customers, partners, society and the environment in the context of our global business activities.
    1. 5. Sustainability
      1. a. The discussion in society concerning the use of natural resources and the resulting climate change is gaining more and more importance – sustainability is also very important to us at CarboTech. For our world to remain liveable for future generations, we must work together – businesses, authorities, customers, partners and private individuals – to ensure that environmental impacts are minimised.
      2. b. At CarboTech, we have been committed to sustainable management, thinking and conduct for many years. This is why we are consistently expanding our commitment to sustainability and investing continuously in sustainable processes and products.
    1. 6. Success As well as providing the ultimate in products and services each day, it is only by questioning and renewing our values daily that we will enjoy a successful future. Accordingly, we also allow sufficient time for this.

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