
CarboTech team at the EON company run

Helena Kellner

Essen, 24.06.24 – The CarboTech team goes the distance: a team of 20 colleagues from administration, logistics and production put in a great team performance at this year’s EON company run, covering a distance of almost 6 kilometers.

The EON company run took place in Essen on Wednesday, June 12. More than 13,500 runners had registered for the Essen company run. The route was just under 6 kilometers long from the start on Huyssenallee, via Rüttenscheider, Ursula and Magdalenen-Strasse to the finish line in Grugapark.
After a short warm-up at the CarboTech company premises, the runners marched to the starting area, which was about 2.5 kilometers away. The starting signal for the CarboTech team was given at 7.15 pm. Despite a few bumps in the road, all members of the team reached the finish line with good running times.
However, the incentive to reach the finish line was not personal best times, but in particular the 50 euros per finish for each member of the CarboTech team, which Managing Director Daniel Böke had promised in advance. A total of 1,000 euros was raised, which Daniel Böke was able to hand over to Mr. Steffen Schneider, Managing Director of the foundation, in person today.

“The donation announcement for the Institute for Heart Attack Research Foundation in Ludwigshafen has developed into a really great team spirit. Additional colleagues even signed up to make their contribution. This has definitely brought us closer together as a team,” summarizes Daniel Böke, Managing Director of the CarboTech Group.

“I would have loved to run myself to support the CarboTech team, but unfortunately I couldn’t make the date work. A sporting competition in my old home town would have been a great experience. All the more reason for us to be pleased with the considerable donation result for our foundation. Because even with supposedly well-known diseases, there is still so much need for research, as we are far from knowing all the connections and everyone certainly knows someone who has been affected by a heart attack.”says Steffen Schneider, Managing Director of the foundation.

The Ludwigshafen-based foundation works closely with the Elisabeth Hospital in Essen on heart attack research, giving the donation a regional component.
Thanks to its great success, it will certainly not be long before the CarboTech team takes part in another sporting event.

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