
Carbotech wins europe-wide tender

Heyst GmbH

Zweckverband Klärwerk Steinhäule Purchases 640 Tons Of activated carbon from Essen-based Specialists

It is a milestone in the field of activated carbon marketing for CarboTech, one of Europe’s leading activated carbon manufacturers based in Essen (North Rhine-Westphalia): The company prevailed in a Europe-wide invitation to tender issued by the Zweckverband Klärwerk Steinhäule (Steinhäule Sewage Treatment Plant Association) and will supply 640 tons of PAK C 880 SR activated carbon to Baden-Württemberg over the next two years. The first silo trains will arrive at the Ulm plant before the end of December 2020.

A Europe-wide invitation to tender ended at the beginning of November 2020 in favor of Essen-based CarboTech AC GmbH, one of the leading specialists for activated carbon: The Zweckverband Klärwerk Steinhäule (ZVK), an association of the cities of Ulm, Neu-Ulm, Senden, Blaubeuren and Blaustein as well as the municipalities of Berghülen, Dornstadt, Illerkirchberg, Illerrieden, Merklingen, Schnürpflingen and Staig was looking for a new activated carbon supplier for the fourth treatment stage. Within the next two years, around 640 tons of activated carbon are to be delivered to Ulm. This is a prestigious order, as the sewage treatment plant belonging to the special-purpose association is one of the largest and most important plants in the whole of Germany: the “Ulm process” of the fourth treatment stage with powdered activated carbon was introduced here and has now been implemented in more than 10 other sewage treatment plants throughout Germany.

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© CarboTech

This means that the sewage treatment plant, which treats wastewater from a total of 220,000 inhabitants as well as other industrial and commercial wastewater equivalent to around 220,000 population equivalents (PE) in the catchment area in a plant covering around 25 hectares, is a role model. “We are delighted that we have succeeded in convincing the Steinhäule sewage treatment plant association of the advantages of our PAK C 880 SR activated carbon,” said Daniel Böke, Managing Director of CarboTech AC GmbH, on the occasion of today’s announcement of the decision in favor of the product from Essen. “We are certain: this decision will prove to be absolutely right in the years to come. Because thanks to the fluidized bed process developed by us, which is unique in the world, the CarboTech activated carbon is particularly powerful, durable and reliable – and that is ultimately what counts when it comes to the safe removal of pharmaceutical residues, hormones and micro-pollutants from wastewater,” the activated carbon expert is certain. Thomas Mayer, technical director of the ZVK, shares this view: “You don’t win a Europe-wide tender just like that, after all, every supplier is in tough competition. In the end, the best package of product and consulting quality as well as attractive price prevails – and in this case, this came from CarboTech. We are of course all the more pleased that we now have an experienced partner from Germany at our side who can look back on a long tradition and great experience in the production of activated carbon,” Thomas Mayer continues.

The first delivery under the tender is scheduled to reach the Ulm plant before the end of December 2020. “By December 2022, at least 14 silo trains per year will then set off for Ulm. All of them will have our CarboTech PAK C 880 SR activated carbon on board, which is a powdered coal produced from hard coal by activating it with steam,” explains CarboTech Managing Director Daniel Böke. “Due to the special manufacturing process, this activated carbon has a very special, unique pore structure. This makes it possible to solve even particularly critical and difficult problems that are difficult to solve with conventional activated carbons. Or, to put it briefly: It is ideal for use in the fourth purification stage. We are sure: ZVK will be absolutely satisfied with our product,” concludes Daniel Böke.

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